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A complete software suite for acquisition and analysis of time resolved fluorescence data. SymPhoTime features a powerful scripting language that allows customisation of existing analysis and even implementation of novel analysis techniques.

Phasor Analysis Phasor Analysis is currently not included in SymPhoTime64. However, you can use Globals developed by the Laboratory for Fluorescence Dynamics to analyse FLIM data via the Phasor approach.


EasyTau is the systems software of PicoQuants time resolved spectrometer FluoTime 300. EasyTau features a scripting language to automate more complex experiments. Examples of EasyTau scripts can be found on github:

Decay curve analysis software

Open Source

Please note that these are external projects for which PicoQuant takes no responsibility and provides no support. In case of problems please contact the respective authors. Also note that such projects may not be maintained continuously. In particular, please check if they use current versions of file formats and/or programming libraries before you invest in larger development work based on such projects.

If you develop improved or new code, please consider contributing your code back to the community.

The compilation below is probably not complete. If you are the maintainer of a software that deals with TCSPC data please edit this page and add your software listing. Alternatively you can also use to contact PicoQuant support to submit your software project.

Data Analysis

Complete packages

  • PyCorrFit is a general-purpose FCS evaluation software that, amongst other formats, supports the established Zeiss ConfoCor3 ~.fcs file format. PyCorrFit comes with several built-in model functions, covering a wide range of applications in standard confocal FCS. In addition, it contains equations dealing with different excitation geometries like total internal reflection (TIR).
  • Katherinas correlator is a collection of scripts and correlators that are inspired by the paper Ries…Schwille 2010 Optics Express “Automated suppression of sample-related artifacts in FCS”.

These scripts have different scopes and use the library tttrlib to read and correlate time-tagged time resolved (TTTR) files.

  • FLIM-FRET analyzer: open source software for automation of lifetime-based FRET analysis. This is a Microsoft Windows application originally developed in C#. The main goal of this application is to provide the FLIM community a user-friendly application.
  • Fluortools.Fluorescence Decay and Anisotropy Analysis.
  • PyCorrelate:Pycorrelate computes fast and accurate cross-correlation over arbitrary time lags. Cross-correlations can be calculated on “uniformly-sampled” signals or on “point-processes”, such as photon timestamps. Pycorrelate allows computing cross-correlation at log-spaced lags covering several orders of magnitude. This type of cross-correlation is commonly used in physics or biophysics for techniques such as fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) or dynamic light scattering (DLS).
  • QuickFit 3.0: QuickFit 3 is our open-source data evaluation software for FCS and imagingFCS (imFCS) measurement. Actually QuickFit 3 itself is a project manager and all functionality is added as plugins. A set of tested plugins is supplied together with the software.

FCS fit JS

  • FLIMFit. FLIMfit is an open source package for rapid analysis of large FLIM datasets.
  • Extensible Time-tag Analyzer. ETA, the extensible time tag analyzer, is an event driven programming language with graphical user interface for analyzing, plotting, and fitting of time tagged data.More info.
  • Pals3D is a graphical application to support the use of a Time-Correlated Single Photon Counting system for application to Positron Annihilation Lifetime Spectroscopy.
  • LifeFit is a Python package to analyze time-correlated single-photon counting (TCSPC) data sets, namely fluorescence lifetime and time-resolve anisotropy decays.
  • FLIMage allows for controlling TCSPC hardware and generate fluorescence lifetime images in real time. The main part of the source code is free for academic and educational uses. It is used and tested in the Yasuda lab (Max Planck Florida Institute for Neuroscience) on Windows 10 and NationalInstruments DAQmx 18.6. The software is updated frequently.


  • dspFRET: Matlab code for analyzing TTTR data from PicoQuant. Typical application is analysis of single pair FRET measurements with pulsed interleaved excitation (PIE-FRET).
  • FoCuS-point: FoCuS-point utilises advanced time-correlated single-photon counting (TCSPC) correlation algorithms along with time-gated filtering and innovative data visualisation. FoCuS Homepage and paper
  • readPTU_FLIM Library for reading PTU files (works for MultiHarp, HydraHarp, PicoHarp, TimeHarp acquisition) as well as converting raw TTTR data to FLIM image data stack.
  • The main purpose of the MultiChannel script is one can proccess multiple PTU files or a folder with PTU files and get a series Fluorescent multicolor images with minimal user input. Usefull for screening results during imaging and to be used in presentations.
  • With this script you can fit TCSPC lifetime histograms to single, double or triple order exponential fit with reconvolution method Minimalization method are NLLS / MLE-Nelder-Mead minimalisation methods.
  • tttrlib tttrlib is a low level, high performance API to read and process time-tagged-time resolved (TTTR) data
  • Trattoria Trattoria delivers you the fastest streaming algorithms to analyze your TTTR data
  • picoquantio is a Python library for reading file formats generated by PicoQuant hardware.
  • Ptufile is a Python library to read image and metadata from PicoQuant PTU and related files: PHU, PCK, PCO, PFS, PUS, and PQRES. PTU files contain time correlated single photon counting (TCSPC) measurement data and instrumentation parameters.

Data Acquisition

  • snAPI is a powerful Python wrapper which enables seamless communication and configuration with PicoQuant Time Correlated Single Photon Counting Instruments (TCSPC devices). It harnesses the advantages of C++ for optimal speed and performance and bridges the gap between the high-speed capabilities of your PicoQuant TCSPC device and the ease of use and versatility of Python.

Demos about Controlling PicoQuant Devices

Sepia II and Solea
TimeHarp 260
PicoHarp 300
HydraHarp 400
MultiHarp 150


GitHub repositories mentioning PicoQuant and supporting the PicoQuant t3r data file format:

software.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/18 11:19 by admin