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Supported MT200 PC and Hardware Configuration for SymPhoTime 64

NOTE: When upgrading your system we strongly encourage you to do so by purchasing a pre-tested PC from PicoQuant. While we try our best to support custom PC setups we cannot guarantee that all the components will work together.

Supported OS

  • Win10: YES
  • Win8: YES
  • Win7 64bit: YES
  • Win7 32bit: NO
  • WinXP: NO

Supported Hardware (for MicroTime200):

Harps (TCSPC units)

PicoHarp 300

  • For imaging, only supported with Router PHR800
  • Supported for point measurements (e.g. FCS)

HydraHarp 400

  • Fully supported with firmware version 2.xx and higher

TimeHarp 260 (Pico Dual and Nano Dual)

  • Fully supported

MultiHarp 150

  • Fully supported

Scanner (tested)

  • Controller: E727
  • Controller: E725
  • Controller: E710
  • Controller: C867.2U2 (PI wide range scanner)
  • Controller: C867.262 (PI wide range scanner)
  • xy-Stage: P733
  • z-Stage: Pifoc P725
  • PicoQuant FLIMbee galvo scanner

Scanner (not tested by PicoQuant Support)

  • MadCityLabs created a DLL which allows SymPhoTime 64 to use a specific MCL scanner. The support for this scanner is entirely handled by MadcityLabs and not by PicoQuant.

Brightfield Camera

  • IDS UI-3370CP-NIR-GL 1“ monochrome camera 2048×2048

CAN & Frame Grabber

  • Matrix Vision PCIe Framegrabber
    Note: Driver changed in SPTv2.3: New driver may affect the brignthness of the camera image. SPT versions v0.0 - v2.2 are incompatible with the new driver, SPT versions v2.3 - … are incompatible with the old driver. (Incompatibility leads to a frozen splash screen.)
  • Peak CAN PCIe board
    Note: older versions of PCAN PCI board could also work, but then make sure that the new PC has an old type PCI slot.
  • Both cards should be installed in a PCIexpress 1x slot. See slots in red circles in the image below.
  • If your system is (to be) equipped with a TH260 TCSPC card this card as also to be installed into a PCIexpress x1 slot.

not supported:

  • DataTranslation PCI framegrabbe
  • TimeHarp 200
  • HydraHarp v.1.0 - Firmware upgrade to HydraHarp v2.xx necessary before using the SymPhoTime 64.
software/supported_mt200_pc_configuration_for_symphotime_64.txt · Last modified: 2023/02/17 12:44 by admin